Sunday, June 27, 2010

Share your Independence Day weekend plans with Benson Orthodontics!

Exactly one week from today, Dr. Bartley Benson and our staff at Benson Orthodontics will celebrate America's 234th birthday. For most people, Independence Day is a time to celebrate, as well as commemorate, the anniversary of the signing of our Declaration of Independence. It's also a time for most Americans to pay homage to all our soldiers, past, present and future - who lost their lives in battle - and soldiers who continue to place themselves in danger every day so that Americans everywhere may celebrate our freedom.

Today, we thought we'd ask: what are your Fourth of July weekend plans? Are you heading to a barbecue? Hitting the great American open road with family?

If you're planning on using fireworks, we want you to be extra careful! Dr. Benson and team also want you to exercise caution if you'll be out swimming. Finally, you should remember to wear sunscreen: wearing SPF 15 helps, but you should reapply it every couple of hours, especially after swimming or sweating in the sun.

Whatever you end up doing over Independence Day weekend, our entire staff hope you have a great week and a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend! We encourage you to give us a call for more summer safety tips.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Patient testimonial: Invisalign Treatment at Benson Orthodontics [video]

Kathy, one of our amazing patients at Benson Orthodontics, recently gave us a short testimonial about how even as an adult, she was able to benefit from orthodontic treatment with Invisalign. In fact, during Kathy's 14-month treatment, only two people noticed she was wearing the clear aligners! Is Invisalign treatment right for you? You can learn more about Invisalign on our website, or by giving us a call at either of our convenient locations in Mt. Juliet or Lebanon!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ask Dr. Benson: what's the deal with retainers?

Have you recently completed treatment at Benson Orthodontics? Our entire team would like to congratulate you again! Now that your braces have been removed, Dr. Benson will provide—or has provided you by now—with retainers. After braces are removed, our staff will tell you that teeth may shift out of position if they're not stabilized.

Retainers, however, provide that stabilization, and are designed to hold teeth in their corrected, ideal positions until your bones and gums adapt to treatment changes. Wearing retainers exactly as instructed by Dr. Benson is the best insurance that the treatment improvements last for a lifetime.

If you have additional questions about retainers or your treatment here at Benson Orthodontics, please give us a call and we'll try to answer any question you may have.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tell Dr. Benson and team: What should we blog about this summer?

As the summer approaches, our staff at Benson Orthodontics strive to continue writing about important topics related to braces and your orthodontic treatment with Dr. Bartley Benson.

To help us continue blogging through the course of the long, hot summer, however, we'd love your opinion: What would you like us to focus on our blog over the summer months? Perhaps there’s something you’ve wanted to ask Dr. Benson for a while and just haven't found the time or opportunity? Let us know by posting here or on our Facebook page!

We hope you have a great rest of the weekend!